Landon is 15 months old today! It has really made me think about how quickly time goes by. This has me thinking...we need to savor the moments that God gives us with our family. It all goes by so quickly and we can get so caught up in the "busyness" of life that we forget about savoring those precious moments with our loved ones. All too soon, Landon is going to be going off to college and beginning a life of his own. I don't want the next 17 years to pass me by and I look back and say "Why didn't I savor those moments I had with him?!" We need to treat every day as if it is our last.
Our weekend was extremely busy. I was absolutely exhausted Sunday. I'm sure people at church were probably thinking, "What in the world is wrong with her?" I was completely out of it. Landon and I both came home and crashed in our beds. And that night, we had no problems going back to sleep! Now, I am ready for the week. Bring it on!
You are a wise Mommy to learn to "Savor the Moments" now! :-) I am better at that than I used to be, but I still have to work on it. We all need to slow down just a little! :-)